Last Updated Version Changes
12/8/2022 1.0 Glossary Created - some gaps!
12/11/2022 1.1 Minor Additions and Updates
3/13/2023 1.2 Updates (ongoing this week!)

Elldreth Huge thanks for help with definitions and maintaining this page!
Leecher For the initial idea! Which I stole, and implemented.

What’s this?

Stable Diffusion is a rapidly developing technology with a dizzying number of obscure technical terms, company names, product names, slang words, etc. This Glossary was created to bring together as many of these terms as possible in a single, searchable, list.

There’s a big “Explain It Like I’m Five” element to this document - the concepts behind Stable Diffusion are insanely complex, and this page doesn’t attempt to delve into the details. You will find links and expanded info (where available) in the Side-Peek pane (mouse-over the Term cell to show the Open in side peek button).

<aside> 🪄 This Glossary also contains a number of terms relating to Generative AI in general, not just Stable Diffusion, as there is significant overlap.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> If you’d like to contribute to the glossary, add information, or correct an entry, please message me on Discord (The Ally#7211)


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> If this page has been helpful, please consider joining my Patreon, where I produce advanced Stable Diffusion tutorials and erotic art - from a female (adult) content-creator perspective.


The Glossary

Stable Diffusion Glossary